With over 3000 records, that tends to get old real quick. I can not go to a specific record (I can go to the very first record, or the very last record, and then advance one by one up or down, but not to a specific record). I have been trying to work around a couple of serious drawbacks to the Avery Designer Pro software that I would normally use on their 5697 label… My database is about 15 years worth of sermons for my church, and it is used for when someone wants to get a copy of a sermon burned to a CD (or a copy of the video onto a DVD), and you would be surprised how often that is. I am needing to design a form in Base (or any combination of software within LO if that be the case) to display and print CD labels that use a database which contains over 3000 records (not the spinning kind that makes sound). I am a new user to LibreOffice, and I’m finding my current quest to be a challenge.