Choose between the power of each package, since in very high rounds you will not need to send too much to make him suffer. Place all your warrior monkeys throughout the battlefield and save some money to send attacks your enemies. Thus, the only difference between victory or defeat will be exclusively your ability to manage the best strategy. The mechanics of the game are summarized in a split screen same initial money, equality of life, identical balloons for each one and exact board. The fun in this game it is still high, thanks, in part, to the additions that this novelty incorporates and that lie mainly in that we can send killer balloons to our rival and enjoy seeing how he is not able to face everything we send him. In Bloons TD Battles we will have at our disposal all our adorable fighting monkeys with all the same characteristics as in the original, but with the advantage that the battles will concentrate exclusively on defeating our level.

That is to say, in Bloons Monkey City the objective was to build a city and for that we had to conquer the territory based on our defense towers. Bloons TD Battles is a game that emerged as a result of the successful Bloons Monkey City that is reduced to battles against a powerful general.